Micromen's PrintERP? The PrintErp will bring together the entire print management into a single platform of work. PrintERP will reduce the turnaround time for generation of estimations and job scheduling processes. It gives you easy access to all involved in the processes across the company including operators to top management, clients and more importantly vendors by providing the complete Printing Management under single platform.
Salient Features
- Versioning of Estimation
- Robust and affordable print MIS
- Intuitive browser-based interface
- Tools to effectively manage key operational processes like job acquisition, estimation, order processing, production management, material management and stock control among others
- Documentation of client communication and follow-up reminders
- Improves visibility in your business performance with efficient flow of information across processes
- Real time tracking of jobs and scheduling jobs through our Mobile App
Workflow Management
- Client, Rate, Estimation,,Orders, Purchase,Jobs approvals
- Userwise, Department Wise restrictions
- Alerts for Completion, Delay, rescheduling etc
Print Management
- Imposition Diagram to calculate paper requirement
- Comparison of Best Imposition Options
- Saving of Imposition Diagrams for Later Use
Cusomer Relationship Management
- Integration of Enquiry from your website to PrintERP
- Selection of Type of Jobs for clients from Enquiry Itself
- Management of Submitted art works and proofs.
- Alerts and emails for client follow up of Art work, Proof and Job Confirmation
Work Order Management
- Management of Orders and Bills
- Tracking of Outsourced work
Material Management
- Generaton of Purchase Orders(PO) for materials
- Management of assets and Stock
- Management of Issues, requests Purchases and bills for Job Orders
Estimation Management
- Machine-wise and slab wise rates along with slab-wise wastage Allowance
- Estimation Versioning
- Comparison of Estimates based on Previous Jobs for the clients
- Spending Pattern
- Discount Pattern for Clinets.
- Productivity Analysis
- Overall Profitability, job-wise and client-wise
- Cost of Production
Job Management
- Virtual and Real Time Scheduling of Jobs for machines and Operators through PrintERP
- Real time Work Allocation for Operators
- Realtime Tracking of Job Status
Delivery Management
- Mobile App for Delivery Schedule for Clients
- Real time Tracking of Packaging and Delivery Information to Clients
Finance Management
- Management of payables and receivables
- Generation of Bills
- Generation of receipts
- Management Bank Books and Cash Books
- Generation of TB, P&L,Balance Sheet etc